You Are Welcome At
Bethel Baptist Church
You Are Invited!
A Bible-Preaching Church For The Whole Family.
You will find a spiritual home at Bethel Baptist Church! We will answer your questions with the Bible and set you on the path of spiritual blessing through faith in Jesus Christ. Our greatest desire is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by preaching the glorious Gospel of repentance and faith toward God and then grounding new believers in the Truth through one-on-one discipleship.

We invite you to attend Bethel Baptist Church! We look forward to meeting you.
Jerad Stager, Pastor
3 Elements
What Makes Our Church Exceptional?
Practical Application of Bible Truth
Preaching characterized by careful verse-by-verse exposition of God’s Word, preached and taught from the King James Bible.
Practice Of Biblical Worship
Reverent worship offered to God by singing Psalms from God’s inspired songbook in the Old Testament, along with hymns of a similar grandeur.
Pattern Of Christ-Like Living
Holy living in the family taught according to Biblically-defined roles for husbands, wives, and children.

Our Church Family
is made up of people from every age and stage of life.
Visit one of our services to experience friendly fellowship and learn truths from God’s Word that will transform your life!
In a day when many churches are struggling, our church is alive and well!
Ephesians 3:21
“Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”
Information About
Our Ministries
Sunday School
Children learn the Bible on their age level and adults according to their life-stage.
Morning Service
Our morning service is the largest service of the week. First-time guests regularly attend this service.
Evening Service
This evening service is the perfect way to conclude the Lord’s Day and prepare for the week.
Wednesday Service
This service gives us an opportunity to focus on God in the middle of your week as we learn the Bible and pray together.
Our church has services and activities for every member of your family.
Christian School
Our K-12 school provides high-level education supported by God’s Word and Christian values.
Have a Question?
Ask the Pastor
Location & FAQs
Our church is easy to find and navigate. Check out the Frequently Asked Questions and interactive map below.
Where Do I Park?
We have onsite parking on the property. Park in any spot and make your way to the marked entrance.
Where Do I Go?
Greeters will meet you at the door to guide you to the appropriate room.
What Bible Version Do You Use?
We believe that God’s Word has been divinely preserved in the English language in the version commonly known as the Authorized King James Version (KJV). Therefore, the Authorized King James Version is the official and only translation used by the church.
Is Childcare Available?
Yes, childcare is available during services for infants and toddlers. Sunday School classes are available for all ages and Children’s Church runs concurrently with the Sunday Morning Service.
What Do I Wear?
Although most people wear their “Sunday Best,” there’s no dress code at Bethel Baptist Church. We trust that everyone respects the fact that they are going to church and will dress in a manner that honors God and doesn’t distract from the purpose in attending.
Am I Expected To Give An Offering?
The time set aside for giving is voluntary and allows everyone who would like to participate in supporting the work of the Lord the chance to do so.
What Style of Music Do You Use?
Our music service is designed to magnify Christ and deepen our affection for God. The style and content are carefully selected to direct our thoughts to God’s glory, deepen our appreciation of Christ’s redemption and compel an honest response to God’s Word. Hymns that are theologically sound and musically appropriate are chosen to accomplish this goal.
Where Would I Fit In?
Join us This sunday...
We Are Here
For You!
Sunday School ...... 9:45 am
Sunday Morning Service ...... 11:00 am
Sunday Evening Service ...... 6:00 pm
Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study ...... 7:00 pm